Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cleopatra Essay Research Paper Cleopatra Vll was free essay sample

Cleopatra Essay, Research Paper Cleopatra Vll was born in 69 BC, in Alexandria, Egypt. Despite what people say today, that she was glamourous and beautiful, she was far from it. She is shown on antediluvian coins with a long aquiline olfactory organ and masculine characteristics. Although she was non beautiful she was clearly a really seductive adult female, and she used this to farther Egypt politically. She had a beautiful musical voice. It is besides said that she was extremely intelligent. She spoke nine different linguistic communications, and she was the first Ptolemy Pharaoh who could really talk Egyptian. She ascended the Egyptian throne after her male parent, Ptolemy Xll Auletes died in 51 BC. Cleopatra which was 17 at the clip and her brother Ptolemy Xlll, which was 12, were married because of the footings of her male parents will. They so ruled Egypt together. In the 3rd twelvemonth of their reign Ptolemy? s advisors told him that he should govern Egypt by himself. So, because of this he drove Cleopatra into expatriate. Cleopatra so escaped to Syria. She so returned with an ground forces. Ptolemy sent an ground forces to run into with her. At this point, Julius Caesar of Rome arrived in chase of an enemy, who was seeking aid from Ptolemy. Cleopatra had to turn over herself up in a carpet so that she wouldn? t get killed while come ining Egypt. If she hadn? t hidden herself she would hold been killed. When she unrolled herself in forepart of Caesar he fell in love with her right away.Caesar had to take which of the Egyptian swayers to assist maintain the throne. Of class he chose Cleopatra. He so became Cleopatra? s lover. In 47 BC Ptolemy Xlll drowned in the Nile while seeking to get away, and Caesar so restored Cleopatra to her throne. After her older brother Ptolemy Xlll was died, Cleopatra was so forced by usage to get married her youngest brother Ptolemy XlV, which was about eleven at the clip. After Cleopatra and Ptolemy XlV were settled on their joint authorities footing, she and Caesar went on a two-month sail on the Nile. It is said that it was so she became pregnant, and she subsequently gave birth to a boy. His name was officially Ptolemy XV Caesar, but he was popularly called Caesarion, which means? Small Caesar? . Peoples say that Caesar was non truly the male parent of Caesarion. Although the kid strongly resembled Caesar, and so Caesar acknowledged him as his boy. After the sail Caesar so went back to Rome and Cleopatra went back to Egypt. Caesar left three work forces that were portion of the ground forces so that they could protect Cleopatra. In 46 BC he invited Cleopatra to travel to Rome to be with him. She so went taking Caesarion with her. That same twelvemonth in September he celebrated his war victory? s in which was called the March of Triumph? s. In this March he paraded through the streets of Rome with his captives, including Cleopatra # 8217 ; s sister Arsinoe. Caesar spared Arsinoe # 8217 ; s life after she betrayed Cleopatra, but subsequently Mark Antony had her killed after Cleopatra told him to. Cleopatra lived in Caesar # 8217 ; s Villa near Rome for about two old ages. He showered Cleopatra with gifts and everything she wanted. It was rumored that Caesar was meaning to go through a jurisprudence leting him to get married Cleopatra and do their boy his inheritor. It was besides rumored that Caesar, who had accepted a lifetime absolutism and sat on a aureate throne in the Senate, intended to go the male monarch of Rome. On March 15, 44 BC a crowd of plotters surrounded Caesar at a Senate meeting and stabbed him to decease. Cleopatra knew that she was besides in danger so she rapidly left Rome with her defenders. Before or instantly after their return to Egypt, Ptolemy XIV died. It is rumored that Cleopatra had him. Cleopatra so made Caesarion, her boy, co-regent. Caesar # 8217 ; s blackwash caused lacking in a swayer and civil war in Rome. Finally the imperium was divided among three work forces. Those work forces were Caesar # 8217 ; s great-nephew Octavian, who subsequently became the emperor Augustus. There was besides Marcus Lepidus and Marcus Antonius, or better known as Mark Antony. In 42 B.C. Mark Antony called for Cleopatra to Tarsus, to oppugn her about whether she had assisted his enemies. Cleopatra arrived in manner on a flatboat with a aureate after part, purple canvass, and silver oars. The boat was sailed by her amahs, who were dressed as sea nymphs. Cleopatra herself was dressed as Venus, the goddess of love. She reclined under a gold canopy, fanned by male childs in Cupid costumes. Antony was impressed by this glamourous show of luxury. This was as Cleopatra had intended. That dark Cleopatra entertained him on her flatboat, and the following dark Antony invited her to supper, trusting to surpass her in impressiveness. Unfortunately he failed to make so, but he ended up jesting about it in his good-natured, manner. Cleopatra didn # 8217 ; t seem to mind his tasteless sense of wit really she joined right in. Like Caesar before him, Antony was falling in love with her. Forgeting about his duties of being a swayer, he accompanied Cleopatra to Alexandria and spent the winter with her at that place. Finally, Antony said adieu to Cleopatra and returned to his responsibilities as a swayer of the Roman imperium. Six months subsequently Cleopatra gave birth to twins, there names were Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. It was four old ages subsequently before she saw Antony once more. During that clip Antony married Octavian # 8217 ; s half sister, Octavia. They had three kids. In 37 BC, while on his manner to occupy Parthia, Antony enjoyed another visit with Cleopatra. He hu rried through his military run and raced back to Cleopatra. From so on Alexandria was his place, and Cleopatra was his life. He married her in 36 BC and she gave birth to another boy, Ptolemy Philadelphus. Meanwhile, back in Rome, Octavia remained loyal to her cheating hubby. She decided to see Antony, and when she reached Athens she received a missive from him stating that he would run into her at that place. However, Cleopatra was determined to maintain Antony off from his other married woman. She cried and fainted and starved herself so it worked. Anthony ended up call offing his trip, and Octavia returned place without seeing her hubby. The Roman people were disgusted by the manner Antony had treated Octavia. They were besides angry to hear that Cleopatra and Antony were naming themselves Gods. Worst of all, in 34 B.C. Antony made Alexander Helios the male monarch of Armenia, Cleopatra Selene the queen of Cyrenaica and Crete, and Ptolemy Philadelphus the male monarch of Syria. Caesarion was proclaimed the King of Kings, and Cleopatra was the Queen of Kings. Augustus was highly huffy and so he convinced the Roman Senate to declare war on Egypt. In 31 B.C. Antony # 8217 ; s forces fought the Romans in a sea conflict off the seashore of Actium, Greece. Cleopatra was there with 60 ships of her ain. When she saw that Antony # 8217 ; s cumbersome, badly-manned galleys were losing to the Romans # 8217 ; lighter, swifter boats, she left the scene. Antony abandoned his work forces to follow her. Although it is possible that they had prearranged their retreat, the Romans saw it as cogent evidence that Antony wascrazy f or Cleopatra and was unable to believe or move on his ain. For three yearss Antony sat entirely in the bow of Cleopatra # 8217 ; s ship, declining to see or talk to her. They returned to Egypt, where Antony lived entirely for a time.In the interim Cleopatra prepared for an invasion by Rome. When Antony received word that his forces had surrendered at Actium and his Alliess had gone over to Octavian, he left his lone place and returned to Cleopatra to party off their concluding yearss. Cleopatra began experimenting with toxicants to larn which would do the most painless decease. She besides built a mausoleum to which she moved all of her gold, Ag, emeralds, pearls, coal black, tusk, and other hoarded wealth. In 30 B.C. Octavian reached Alexandria. Mark Antony marched his ground forces out of the metropolis to run into the enemy. He stopped on high land to watch what he expected would be a naval conflict between his fleet and the Roman fleet. Alternatively he saw his fleet salute the Romans with their oars and joined them. At this Antony # 8217 ; s horse besides deserted him. His foot was shortly defeated and Antony returned to the metropolis, shouting that Cleopatra had betrayed him. Cleopatra was afraid that he would ache her, so she left to the memorial that housed her hoarded wealths and locked herself in, telling her retainers to state Antony she was dead. When Antony heard this he really believed it. So he went to his room and opened his coat, crying that he would shortly be with Cleopatra. He ordered a retainer named Eros to kill him, but Eros killed himself alternatively. Antony so stabbed himself in the tummy and passed out on a sofa. When he woke up he begged his retainers to s et him out of his wretchedness, but they ran off. At last Cleopatra # 8217 ; s secretary came and told him Cleopatra wanted to see him. Overjoyed to hear Cleopatra was alive, Antony had himself carried to her mausoleum. Cleopatra was afraid to open the door because of the attack of Octavian # 8217 ; s ground forces, but she and her two functioning adult females allow down ropes from a window and pulled him up. Distraught, Cleopatra laid Antony on her bed and crush her chests, naming him her Godhead, hubby and emperor. Antony told her non to feel for him, but to retrieve his past felicity. Then he died at that really minute. When Octavian and his work forces reached her memorial Cleopatra refused to allow them in. She talked with them through the door, demanding that her land be given to her kids. Octavian ordered one adult male to maintain her speaking while others set up ladders and climbed through the window. When Cleopatra saw the work forces she pulled out a sticker and tried to knife herself, but she was disarmed and taken captive. Her kids were besides taken captive and were treated good. Octavian allowed Cleopatra to set up Antony # 8217 ; s funeral. After the funeral she took to her bed, ill with heartache. She wanted to kill herself, but Octavian kept her under close guard. One twenty-four hours he visited her and she flung herself at his pess, about bare, and told him she wanted to populate. With Octavian # 8217 ; s permission she visited Antony # 8217 ; s grave. Then she returned to her mausoleum, took a bath, and ordered a banquet. While the repast was being prepared a adult male arrived at her memorial with a basket of figs. The guards checked the basket and found nil leery, so they allowed the adult male to give the basket of figs to Cleopatra. After she had eaten, Cleopatra wrote a missive, sealed it, and sent it to Octavian. He opened it and found Cleopatra # 8217 ; s supplication that he would let her to be buried in Antony # 8217 ; s grave. Alarmed, Octavian sent couriers to alarm her guards that Cleopatra planned to perpetrate self-destruction. But it was excessively late. They found the 39-year old queen dead on her aureate bed, with her amah Iras deceasing at her pess. Two assholes were found on Cleopatra # 8217 ; s arm, and it was believed that she had allowed herself to be bitten by an asp that was smuggled in with the figs. As she had wished, she was buried beside Antony.

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