Sunday, December 29, 2019

Hiv Patients And Case Managers During End Of Life Experience

HIV Patients and Case Managers during End of Life Experience Jennifer R. Molestina Albizu University April 2015 Abstract As researchers develop more and more treatments for HIV that improve patients quality of living and extend their lives, it is necessary to remember the importance of pain control, symptom management, excellent communication, and psychosocial support from time of diagnosis to time of death. Case managers must remember the fact (and prepare themselves accordingly) that, despite their best efforts, patients with HIV infection will eventually die and that helping prepare them and their loved ones for that eventuality is an important part of caregiving. Ultimately, all treatments for chronic and incurable†¦show more content†¦What is crucial for these patients is to relieve pain, helping them psychologically, spiritually and socially enable them and their caregivers to work through their pain, emotions and grief. The course of HIV/AIDS is very unpredictable, with many symptoms and alternating period of episodes of acute illness that being said, palliative care for HIV/AIDS is a balance between acute treatment and attending control of chronic symptoms and conditions. There is a wide range of treatments available for patients with this illness, but their high cost means they are not available to most patients especially in developing countries. As HIV/AIDS is so broad, we are going to concentrate on talking about how a case manager can provide social support to these patients and their families. People living with HIV/AIDS experience emotional and psychiatric problems for many reasons, but their quality of life can be improved when health workers, family members and carers understand these problems and support the patients that are experimenting them. Depression is common, sometimes can be treated with counseling alone, but if the symptoms are severe, treatment with anti-depressants drugs is needed, it is very important to address these symptoms and to have a professional make a recommendation because people living with HIV/AIDS may consider suicide. Anxiety is also a common symptom in people with advanced HIV

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Comparison Tuesdays With Morrie, by Mitch Albom King...

Sogyal Rinpoche stated â€Å"When you start preparing for death you soon realize that you must look into your life now...and come to face the truth of yourself. Death is like a mirror in which the true meaning of life is reflected.† Death is imminent. Many people today fear death for various reasons. Some people are able to accept it, where others deny its existence. Some people spend their lives working towards the coming of their death, and their life thereafter, where others spend there lives doing everything they possibly can to make the most of their time on earth. In Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom, the lead character Morrie Schwartz was diagnosed with the fatal disease Lou Gerrig’s Disease, also know as ALS. Although many people†¦show more content†¦Morrie chose to live everyday as if it was his last, because in reality any day could have been. Morrie stated â€Å"Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.† (82) This statement reveals his outlook about his final days on earth. Morrie decided to become more involved in his life, once he accepted the fact he was going to die. Morrie took a good look at his life and determined what was truly important to him. Morrie chose to not waste his final days fearing the inevitable, he wanted to spend time making the most of it. Morrie also stated â€Å"Lear to forgive yourself and to forgive others.† Morrie wanted no regrets. He wanted to correct the wrongdoings of his past. Morrie learned to forgive others, and more importantly himself. He was able to free his conscience allowing him to live more fulfilling final days. Morrie did everything he could to make the most of his last days. He spent his hours teaching his friends and family about lifes important lessons. Morrie said â€Å"Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?† Morrie spent the last year of his life with people he loved. Even in his weakest moments he wanted to be surro unded with love and affection. Morrie realized his death was inevitable, and did not wallow in self-pity. Unlike King Lear, Morrie truly lived a life of no regret, and did not isolate himself from those who loved and cared for him. In WilliamShow MoreRelatedThe Tuesdays With Morrie And King Lear2092 Words   |  9 Pagescharacteristics of a wise individual. In both Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom and King Lear by William Shakespeare, the protagonists Morrie and Lear are able to acquire wisdom after undergoing hardships and tribulations. Morrie is undeniably wiser than Lear as shown through his view of society, family, and his philosophies revolving around forgiveness and suffering. By analyzing the two characters, it is evident that Morrie is wiser than King Lear in terms of his concern for society as a whole

Friday, December 13, 2019

The student body of your University Free Essays

I would be grateful if offered the opportunity to be a member of the student body of your University. I am currently undertaking my studies at Grossmont College and I would wish to transfer to your University in order to study Business Administration. Grossmont College does not offer undergraduate programs and I wish to further my studies to the highest level I can achieve in an institution which encourages both personal and collective academic advancement. We will write a custom essay sample on The student body of your University or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am specifically enthusiastic about your University due to the high levels of integrity and quality education being offered besides providing for students a good environment for studies. The visions and goals of your University as an academic institution are in line with my personal goals for I desire to positively change the human society through knowledge that I wish to gain from your institution when given the chance. I believe that University of San Diego is the place where the foundation of my career stand to be shaped as its values has the capacity to further build my worth as a moral and intellectual being. My objectives are to work in the business world as a manager and I believe my studies at your esteemed institution will adequately equip me for such an eventuality. I completely understand my responsibility as a student and I am only requesting for the opportunity to join your student body and the entire community of University of San Diego. I will abide by all the rules and focus on achieving my academic and intellectual goals while at the same time making positive contribution towards my fellow students and the entire community of the University of San Diego. I am looking forward to a positive response and an opportunity to join your academic institution. Thank you in advance. How to cite The student body of your University, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Marketing Management Tertiary Education Standards Agency

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management for Tertiary Education Standards Agency. Answer: Introduction: Sydney University is one of the oldest universities in Australia that provide enhanced learning experiences to the domestic and international students. The Sydney University has been established in 1850 and the total endowment of the university is A$1.8 billion as of 2013. The Sydney University in Australia provided enhanced learning opportunities to the students. The higher education system in Australia is made up of different universities and other higher educational institutions. Universities in Australia facilitate to enhance the qualification framework in an effective manner. The national regulator for the higher education sector is the Tertiary Education Standards Agency (TESA) (Devlin 2013). Sydney University accumulates their majority of the public funding from the Australian government (The University of Sydney 2016). The Australian government facilitates to enhance the education system in Universities by providing adequate funds. It is under the Higher Education Support Act 2003(Norton 2012). Sydney University in Australia provides nationally recognized qualifications including Diplomas, Associate Degrees, Advanced Diplomas, Bachelor Honors Degrees, Bachelor Degrees, Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas Doctoral Degrees, and Masters Degrees (Amaral, Jones and Karseth 2013). Sydney University provides an essential contribution creating adiverse andsustainable economy with opportunities for better jobs. It can be identified that the Australian universities are internationally recognized for their superior quality research and teaching process. Moreover, the Australian universities have a diverse international character in both their outlook and student profile. It has been published in a recent report that Sydney University possesses around 33,505 undergraduates and 19,284 post-graduate (Bennett et al. 2012). There are some competitors of Sydney university including the Australian national university, Australian catholic university, Bond university, Central Queensland university. The Sydney University engages a huge number of domestic and international students in the society. A wide range of the The Sydney University Australia is the worlds third most significant destination for the international tertiary students. In this particular segment, Australia has left the United States and the United Kingdom. The huge engagement of the international students has influenced the Australian government to contribute adequate funds to universities. Moreover, the enhanced and modernized education system in Australian Universities attracts a huge number of international students for obtaining such higher educational course. The education industry generates around $15 billion annually (Arnove, Torres and Franz 2012). Although the government has been providing adequate funds for upholding the higher education system, Sydney University recommends some steps to the government in order to improve the entire system in an effective manner. As per the recommendation, the Australian government should maintain the income-contingent HELP loans for lower-middle class students. Proper equity programs would facilitate them in enhancing the higher education system in Universities. The enhancement of the stock of affordable student housing would contribute students selecting Australian universities. In this context, the researcher provides a brief overview on education system of Sydney University. Moreover, the researcher focuses on the overall education industry in order to investigate the research topic in an effective manner. Market segmentation: A market segment is an important aspect of the higher education as the industry has been growing in an effective manner. For segmenting the higher educational market, the industry needs to evaluate the factors influencing educational organizations such as University, college, and another institute. Although the Australian universities have segmented their market according to the social cultures, they may segment the market based on the students division. The market segmentation includes geographic, demographic and psychographic, etc. The market segmentation may be conducted based on the six major students segments including aspiring academics, coming of age, career starter, career accelerator, industry switcher, and academic wanderer(Stromquist and Monkman 2014). Figure 4: Student segment (Source: Gikas and Grant 2013) In this context, the sydney university implements several strategies in order to engage a huge number of students in the university. Sydney university has been targeting the domestic and international students through its wide range of courses. On the other hand, sydney university targets the traditional and non-traditional students. In the Australian market, students are often influenced by the demographic factors. On the other hand, the social culture facilitates students to engage with the university for acquiring a higher degree. However, the Sydney university can segment their higher educational market as follows: Investigating Students prospective The location of students Analyze the culture engaging students The future objective of the students and, The requirement of students The Sydney University mainly targets the international students as they provide a huge donation to the university as a course fees. On the other hand, the Sydney University has been focusing on the international students market, as they collect a huge amount of revenue from students from China, India, South Korea and Vietnam. The government support in higher education segment is remarkable. Others organizations also provide adequate support to the Higher Education sector. The following diagram shows the revenue proportion in higher education. In recent years, the Sydney University has been focusing on the mature students group as mature group has been increasing in the university. Career accelerator and industry switcher are two most important segments of the students. It engages most of the non-traditional students. In these days, more mature people come to the University for achieving higher degrees (Gikas and Grant 2013). Hence, the mature student group is one of the major sets of students that enhance the growth of the industry in an effective manner. It has been seen that mature student group has been expanding in the market in recent years. The Sydney University needs to improvise the higher educational framework in order to engage a huge number of students in the industry (Stromquist and Monkman 2014). Figure 5: Higher education revenue proportion by source (Source: Gikas and Grant 2013) Sydney University segments the market depending on some factors including social, cultural, political, economical and demographical factors. Although the political structure of the country influences the education industry in an efficient manner, they need to restructure or improvise the system in order experience the profitable outcome in the business (Seale 2013). Moreover, the government and other industry have determined to provide all sorts of facilities to the local universities for strengthening the higher educational framework in an appropriate manner. Customers behavior in different segment: Sydney University considers the demograhic factors for identifying students behaviour in an effective manner. Demographic factors include age, culture, sex, etc. the mix Australian culture facilitates the organization to engage adequate students in the society (Chambers and Burkhardt 2015). Therefore, Sydney University considers the demographic factors to enhance its business profitability in an effective manner. In the demographic segment, the university experiences a huge engagement of mature students in the industry. The mature students group is growing in the industry in an effective manner. Consequently, the organization has been focusing on developing the infrastructure of the business in order to facilitate mature students group acquiring a higher educational degree (Cowen 2012). Sydney University considers the geographic location as the major factor for defining students behaviour. The geographic location of the organization influences the students for acquiring the higher educational degrees. In the different geographical arena, the culture of the students differs. There are total 37 public universities in Australia. Most of them are placed in the urban areas (Gikas and Grant 2013). Consequently, students engagement is enhanced in the particular universities. Hence, it can be assessed that the geographical location is a major aspect for Sydney Universitys business, as it attracts most of the domestic and international students in the society. As per the management of Sydney University, Students of urban areas in Australia have been focusing on the postgraduates and graduates degree. Moreover, these students often depend on the advanced educational system. For example, the importance of the web-based learning has been increasing its popularity in the society, as it is a time-saving process (Norton 2012). On the other hand, the technological advancement has been enhancing the educational system in an effective manner. The international students try to identify the cost-effective education system in order to obtain a higher degree. Although the Australian government has announced several policies for the international students regarding the course study and course fees, they need to develop the legislations and policies to restructure the educational framework for the international students (Trede, Macklin and Bridges 2012). Hence, the government needs to implement the improvised course fees for engaging a huge number of international students in the business. By analyzing the education market, it can be assessed that the Australian universities differ in size, as the enrollments range is from 2000 to more than 40000 students(Gibb Haskins and Robertson 2012). Maximum numbers of universities are located in the major cities. However, others are located in the smaller regional centers. Hence, these distinct geographical locations allow students to behave in a separate way. The urban students are more of an educational oriented, whereas rural Australian students do not show adequate interest for achieving higher educational degrees from the universities. Marketing mix: Product: As per the management of the Sydney University, the higher educational systems are intangible, variable and perishable. Consequently, it faces several challenges in the business. The majority of the education services are the combination of tangible and intangible elements. Nowadays, Australian education market focuses on enhancing the business opportunity by implementing several educational policies. In this context, the students characteristics indicate the individual components are facilitating the business in an effective manner. Price: The Sydney University engages several scholarship programs including undergraduate scholarships, postgraduate scholarship, research scholarships, and honors scholarship. Different scholarship program facilitates the Sydney University to engage a huge number of domestic and international students. In the Sydney university, the course fees for full-timeundergraduates is around AU$3,300 and the living expenses for the urban campuses are approximately AU$10,000 to AU$12,000. On the other hand, the international students have to pay AU$10,000 to AU$12,500 per year for general graduation course (Amaral, Jones and Karseth 2013). However, universities in Australia provide adequate opportunity to domestic and international students for achieving a higher educational degree. Moreover, they have engaged the scholarship system in order to facilitate brilliant students in the society. Figure 6: Pricing Outcome (Source: Devlin 2013) Promotion: Sydney University has been promoting their business in the international market through several advertising platforms including printing media, digital media and social media Promotion is another major instrument of marketing mix strategy. Sydney University would engage Australian television media for promoting services in the domestic market. On the other hand, the social media will allow them to advertise across the world. Through the involvement of several promotional activities, the educational industry in Australia can enhance its effectiveness in the global platform. Universities have already focused on the advertisement of their educational framework in order to enhance it a business opportunity in the global market (Nightingale and O'Neil 2012). The educational sector involves several promotional medium including social media, printing media, and digital media. Place: The domestic and international students select the Sydney university due to its wide range of study courses. Moreover, the university has several policies for students depending on their social and economical background. Most of the universities are located in the cities in Australia. Therefore, it targets both domestic and international students. On the other hand, the Australian government focuses on developing universities in rural areas in order to engage a huge number of domestic students or the citizen of Australia. Most of the time, the international student targets to be admitted in the urban universities, as students easily obtain facilities including accommodation, foods and enhanced communication services in cities. It has been seen that the government collects a huge amount of revenue from universities located in the urban areas. Figure 7: Marketing Mix (4Ps) (Source:Gibb, Haskins and Robertson 2012) Market description: Sydney University is a public university established in 1850. The chancellor of the university is Belinda Hutchinson and the vice chancellor is Michael Spence. The university consists to 5350 administrative staffs. Sydney University includes 52,789 students as of 2014. Undergraduate and graduate students are 33,505 and 19,284 respectively (The University of Sydney 2016). By analyzing the educational report, it can be assessed that nationality mix of Australia facilitates to enhance the market of the Sydney University. Most of the international students belong to China, India, Vietnam, and South Korea. These are the four major exporters in the Sydney Universitys educational market (Nightingale and O'Neil 2012). Many business analysts have agreed with the fact that the international students have facilitated the Sydney Universitys higher educational system to enhance its framework in an appropriate manner. Through the involvement of placing the international students in Sydney Universi ty, the Australian government earns a huge amount of revenue from the Sydney University. As discussed previously, the higher education market of Australia is placed in the fourth place. At present, there are 40 universities in Australia. Among 40 universities, 37 are public, and 3 are the private. The oldest university in Australia is Sydney University, started in 1850(Gibb, Haskins and Robertson 2012). As per the preliminary report, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that international education has exported a record high of AUS$18.1 billion (US$13.14 billion) for the 2014-15 fiscal years(Krause et al. 2012). Hence, the particular data indicates an increment of 14.2% on the AUS$ 15.9 billion recorded on 2013. There were 198,347 commencements in higher education. It indicates that the students begin studies in Australia as of YTD June 2015. It indicates a growth of 7.2 % over the same period of 2014(Jones et al. 2012). Figure 1: International Student Commencement by Sector, 2012-2015 (Source:Trede, Macklin and Bridges 2012) By analyzing the government data, it can be assessed that the country surpassed its previous record of 2010. The students related revenue have been calculatedas AUS$17 billion, which indicates the solid gain over the previous high of AUS$16.1 billion from 2010(Tight 2012). Figure 2: Export income from education services, 2010-2014 (Source:Hazelkorn 2015) The latest figures facilitate Australia to hold the position of third largest education exporter in the world after UK and US (Norton 2012). The government and other industries have shown clear determination strengthening its position as the major international study destination across the world. Market environment: By analyzing the market environment of the higher education sector, it can be assessed that the micro and macro environmental factors influence the education system in an effective manner. These environmental factors influence the decisions taken when creating a strategic marketing strategy. The microenvironmental factors indicate suppliers, public, distributors, and dealers, customers and competitors (Kahu 2013). On the other hand, the macro environmental factors suggest economy, demography, cultural forces, social factors, political structures, technology and the legal structures. Micro Environment Suppliers The suppliers indicate the Universities in Australia. There are 40 universities in Australia including 3 private universities (Altbach2015). Sydney University possesses around 33,505 undergraduates and 19,284 post-graduate The government has been focusing on the enhancement process of universities in Australia. The university has 5350 number of administrative staffs. The university got $35 million donation form Susan and Isaac Wakil foundation. The government and industries have determined to strengthen its structure by providing adequate resources to the existing universities. The Australian educational sector has been placed as the third largest education industry in the world after UK and US. Public Public indicates the overall students community in Australia. Australian educational sector has been growing in an effective manner. the Sydney university enhances the public interest through its wide range of courses. Moreover, the enhanced learning process facilitates them in engaging a huge number of students in the business. The engagement of international students has facilitated to expand the industry. However, a particular section of the students is engaged with the private institution for achieving a higher educational degree. Sometimes, innovative systems and cost effective courses of private institution attract a huge number of students in the business (Sultan and Yin Wong 2012). Customers The customer of the business suggests domestic and international students in the Australian society. The mix Australian culture allows students to participate in the higher educational framework in the Sydney University (Bhandari and Blumenthal2013). Although the domestic students are high in numbers, Sydney university has been experiencing the expansion of international students market. Competitors Competitors of universities are the private institutions, which provide almost all educational degrees to the students. However, both domestic and international students prefer public universities in Australia, as they obtain a better educational framework in universities. Out of 40 universities, 37 are public. Hence, it indicates huge engagement of domestics and overseas students (Coxet al. 2014). Macro Environment: Economy In recent years, the Sydney University has been grown in an appropriate manner as the particular industry successfully accumulates the funding from the government (Cowen2012). By analyzing the macro-environment of higher education system in Universities, it can be assessed that the economy plays a major role in strengthening the entire educational framework in an effective manner. The cost of resources is accumulated from other industries also. Hence, the infrastructure of the industry has been enhancing in an effective manner through obtaining several supports from local government. Moreover, the collected revenue from the international students has facilitated the industry to enhance its economic condition. Demography Sydney university considers the demographic factors including age, social culture and economical background of the family. The demographic factors have also influenced the industry in enhancing the infrastructure. For example, there are 37 public universities located in Australia. Sydney University is one of the oldest universities in Australia and maximum international and domestic student desires to engage with the particular institution (Wilkinsand Huisman2012). Hence, it can be assessed that the locations of the Universities play a major role to engage a huge number of students in the system. Cultural forces The mix Australian culture facilitates the Sydney University to enhance its business opportunity in the global market. The Sydney university consists students from several cultural background of different countries including China, India, Vietnam, South Korea In Australia, there are several cultural associated in the society. Most of the international students belong to India, China, South Korea and Vietnam. Hence, the mix cultural forces have facilitated the students to enhance their knowledge in an effective manner. Social factors Socio-economic condition of the domestic and international students has encouraged the Sydney university to review their scholarship process.Demographic changes can affect students to change the university frequently. Social factors often indicate the inability for the industry attracting qualified staffs in the system. Sometimes, students select different university due to the family pressures. However, the Australian culture allows students to select their favorite university for obtaining higher education. Political structures The political influences have facilitated to enhance the industry by contributing adequate funds and other resources. The political impacts on the higher education system often influence to modify the process in an effective manner. On the other hand, the government accumulates a huge amount of revenue from higher education industry (Rennieand Morrison2013). Hence, it contributes to strengthening countrys economic structure. Technology Although the Sydney University has been implementing several technologies in order to enhance the education system, they need to include innovative systems for the industry. For example, web-based learning has been increasing its popularity in recent years. Legal structures The legal structure indicates several policy and legislations implemented in the higher education department in Sydney university. As per the government policy, Australian universities need to reserve a certain amount of seats for the international students. The legal structure is responsible for executing the higher educational framework in an effective manner (Chambersand Burkhardt2015). The legal structures facilitate the Sydney University to uphold the work design in an effective manner. Figure 3: Market Environment analysis (Source: Hazelkorn 2015) Recommendations Sydney University needs to respond to the students demand and national and regional demand in an effective manner. Moreover, universities need to identify and adjust the partnership programs, which support access to the university for students belonging to the low-socio economic background. Sydney University needs to expand the flexible offerings for both domestic and international students. The government needs to take strong initiatives for expanding adequate opportunities for regional students to attend university. Local universities should adopt a whole-of-institution approach attracting a retaining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staffs. On the other hand, Sydney University would take some initiatives for developing the university sector. These initiatives are such as follows: Sydney University should improve the international students welfare and university experiences Sydney University must focus on the English language proficiency and opportunity for the cultural exchange. Sydney University needs to extend the student housing services along with the along with expansion of provision offshore They need to strengthen the international research links in order to globalize their curriculum activities. Universities should uphold successful equity programs so that students obtain equal facilities in the higher educational framework They should expand the sub-bachelor places in the universities for engaging a huge number of domestic and international students There should be adequate stock of affordable student housing References: Altbach, P., 2015. Higher education and the WTO: Globalization run amok.International Higher Education, (23). Amaral, A., Jones, G.A. and Karseth, B. eds., 2013.Governing higher education: National perspectives on institutional governance(Vol. 2). Springer Science Business Media. Arnove, R.F., Torres, C.A. and Franz, S. eds., 2012.Comparative education: The dialectic of the global and the local. Rowman Littlefield Publishers. Bennett, S., Bishop, A., Dalgarno, B., Waycott, J. and Kennedy, G., 2012. Implementing Web 2.0 technologies in higher education: A collective case study.Computers Education,59(2), pp.524-534. Bhandari, R. and Blumenthal, P., 2013. International students and global mobility in higher education: National trends and new directions.International Studies,1(11), pp.316-317. Chambers, A.C. and Burkhardt, J.C. eds., 2015.Higher education for the public good: Emerging voices from a national movement. John Wiley Sons. Cowen, R. ed., 2012.The World Yearbook of Education 1996: The Evaluation of Higher Education Systems. Routledge. 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Mapping Australian higher education.Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Grattan Institute. Retrieved June,12, p.2012. Norton, A., 2012.Graduate Winners: Assessing the public and private benefits of higher education. Melbourne, VIC: Grattan Institute. Rennie, F. and Morrison, T., 2013.E-learning and social networking handbook: Resources for higher education. Routledge. Seale, J., 2013.E-learning and disability in higher education: accessibility research and practice. Routledge. Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014.Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. RL Education. Stromquist, N.P. and Monkman, K. eds., 2014.Globalization and education: Integration and contestation across cultures. RL Education. Sultan, P. and Yin Wong, H., 2012. Service quality in a higher education context: An integrated model.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,24(5), pp.755-784. The University of Sydney. (2016).. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 May 2016]. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Having internal alignment among your old and new sales forces

The case study involves Cannon Associates, which is a sales firm located in Richmond. Rick James is the sales manager who has been in the company for a number of years. His responsibilities involve managing 16 sales associates working on different regions, as well as inside sales representatives. The employed sales representative’s ages range from 20 to around sixty years.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Having internal alignment among your old and new sales forces specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The sales manager has been hiring sales representatives who are young as he believes they have a high potential, motivated and goal oriented. Looking at his career, he got the job while young and inexperienced salesperson, which may be reason, believes in hiring young sales representatives. His opinion is that with training and mentorship, this group of young people will lead the company future. Rick frustration Despite Rick’s efforts to help the company grow despite the age difference between the workers, there has been a gap between the young salesmen and the old sales representatives. This situation has been a serious threat in the running of the company. The older sales representatives claim that the young salesmen are not quick to learn and do not want to accept their failures. The young sales complain that the older generation looks down upon them and do not trust their work ethics. The internal complains in the company has become so remorseful that he spends most of time solving the disputes between the two groups. This is a situation which can lead to loss of accounts. A customer call confirms his situation is worsening. The customer says she has seen the tension created in sales personnel. Rick needs an immediate action so that he can save the firm from impending disaster. Taking action after noticing a problem Having been an employee for 12 years, Rick is an old employee he nce can identify more with veteran sales representatives. He has taken the initiative and tried to make the employees see both sides as equals. He has tried to make his representatives see their way of criticizing one another is not good for the company development. This has failed as both sides are not willing to admit and compromise. Team building exercise occurs in his firm from hired professionals. This  worked in solving the problem  but the relief is short-lived as another complain comes from customer. The customer had noted the wrangles between inside and outside sales representative which had affected her order. Rick tries to make the sales representatives to be more professional with each other as they deal with each other. His first action to unite the workforce has failed Looking for other alternatives After failing to unite the sales representatives, he thinks of a second plan. His second plan must maximize the workers cooperation by minimizing the conflicts. He cons iders the following: admonishing sales team, reorganizing it the team; firing on performance; regular team building as well as shifting corporate culture. Rick after taking time comes up with a new strategy to resolve the problem (Tanner 421-423).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Importance of the case study in business management The case is a momentous one as it shows how to manage workforce in when there is internal conflict. The necessity of an immediate action as well as making follow-ups knows whether the solution provided has worked. In managing the sales team, cooperation is of paramount interest, and once it lacks, it poses a threat which is lack of sales. The case situation is one which shows how one as a sales manager should take the initiative to unite the work force. This can only be achieved by noticing the workers problem and working on a plan to solve it. Divi sion among the workforce has to be addressed by all means possible. To resolve conflict, as seen in this case, it involves understanding the viewpoint of the groups involved. This is one of the key factors in resolution of conflict. When there is a conflict as seen in the Cannon Associate case, there must be a mediation process which occurs in three steps below. Preparing for resolution Acknowledge the conflict- the management has to acknowledge that the conflict exists. If the management does not recognize the problem, the process of resolution cannot start. Rick had to identify the conflict on the sales staff so that he could start looking on how to resolve the problem. Discussing the impact- the management team has to sit down and look at the expected outcome of the conflict on the business performance. Make parties agree to cooperate- the parties involved must be willing to work together so that the means to resolve the conflict can be found. This can be seen in this case study when Rick puts up a workshop to help in team building. All parties participates in team building workshop. Though it fails, the management does not give up. A good sales manager like Rick must be ready to look for all alternatives to resolve conflicts and boost sales. Communication- the resolution process can only happen if the parties are willing to communicate and open to each other. Understanding the situation Rick hears every side of argument before taking the step to resolve. He listens to the young sales representatives as well as old so as to know the true nature of the argument. Search for agreement Making each party understand the position of each other. This then comes after the decision on the decision on what path to take to resolve the situation this appears as Rick looks for solutions in this case. The manager has to look for a solution that favors no side so that it is accepted. It is also crucial to note that conflict in an organization needs to be resolved ins tantly. It is the work of manager in a business to deal with conflicts as soon as they arise as seen in this case. Works Cited Tanner, Jeff. Sales Management. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2009. Print This essay on Having internal alignment among your old and new sales forces was written and submitted by user Neil Guy to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Profile and Key Facts About President Harry Truman

Profile and Key Facts About President Harry Truman Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. He grew up on farms and in 1890 his family settled in Independence, Missouri. He had bad eyesight from a youth but he loved to read having been taught by his mother. He especially liked history and government. He was an excellent piano player. He went to local grade and high schools. Truman did not continue his education until 1923 because he had to help make money for his family. He did attend two years of law school from 1923-24. Fast Facts: Harry S Truman Born: May 8, 1884, Lamar, MODied: December 26, 1972Parents: John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Young TrumanTerm of Office: April 12, 1945 - Jan. 20, 1953Spouse: Elizabeth Bess Virginia Wallace (1919)Children: Mary Jane TrumanMajor Events in Office: Atomic Bombs  dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), end of World War II  (1945), creation of United Nations (1945), Nuremburg Trials (1945-1946), Truman Doctrine  (1947), Taft-Hartley Act (1947), creation of Israel, Marshall Plan  (1948-1952), NATO Treaty (1949), Korean Conflict  (1950-1953), Twenty-Second Amendment Ratified  (1951), Hydrogen Bomb Detonated (1952)Famous Quote: Im going to fight hard. Im going to give them hell. Family Truman was the son of John Anderson Truman, a farmer and livestock trader and active Democrat and  Martha Ellen Young Truman. He had one brother,  Vivian Truman, and one sister, Mary Jane Truman. On  June 28, 1919, Truman married  Elizabeth Bess Virginia Wallace. They 35 and 34, respectively. Together, they had one  daughter, Margaret Truman. She is a singer and a novelist, writing not only biographies of her parents but also mysteries. Harry S Trumans Career Before the Presidency Truman worked at odd jobs after graduating from high school to help his family make ends meet. He helped on his fathers farm from 1906 until he joined the military to fight in World War I. After the war he opened a hat shop which failed in 1922. Truman was made a judge of Jackson Co., Missouri, which was an administrative post. From 1926-34, he was the head judge of the county. From 1935-45, he served as a Democratic Senator representing Missouri. Then in 1945, he assumed the vice presidency. Military Service Truman was a member of the National Guard. In 1917, his unit was called up into regular service during World War I. He served from August 1917 until May 1919. He was made a commander of a Field Artillery unit in France. He was part of the Meuse-Argonne offensive in 1918 and was at Verdun at the end of the war. Becoming the President Truman took over the presidency upon Franklin Roosevelts death on April 12, 1945. Then in 1948, the Democrats were at first unsure about backing Truman but eventually rallied behind him to nominate him to run for president. He was opposed by Republican Thomas E. Dewey, Dixiecrat Strom Thurmond, and Progressive Henry Wallace. Truman won with 49% of the popular vote and 303 of the possible 531 electoral votes. Events and Accomplishments of Harry S Truman’s Presidency The war in Europe ended in May, 1945. However, America was still at war with Japan. One of the most important decisions made by Truman or possibly any other president was the use of the  atomic bombs in Japan. He ordered two bombs:  one against Hiroshima  on August 6, 1945 and one against Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Trumans goal was to stop the war quickly avoiding further losses of allied troops. Japan sued for peace on August 10th and surrendered on September 2, 1945. Truman was president during the  Nuremberg Trials  which punished 22 Nazi leaders for numerous crimes including crimes against humanity. 19 of them were found guilty. Also,  the United Nations  was created in order to try and avoid future world wars and to help settle conflicts peacefully. Truman created the  Truman Doctrine  which stated that it was the duty of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures. America joined with Great Britain to fight against a Soviet blockade of Berlin by airlifting over 2 million tons of supplies to the city. Truman agreed to help rebuild Europe in what was called  the Marshall Plan. America spent over $13 billion dollars to help get Europe back on its feet. In 1948, The Jewish people created the state of Israel in Palestine. The U.S. was among the first to recognize the  new nation. From 1950-53, America participated in the  Korean Conflict. North Korean Communist forces had invaded South Korea. Truman got the UN to agree that the U.S. could expel the North Koreans out of the South. MacArthur was sent in and called for America to go to war with China. Truman would not agree and MacArthur was removed from his post. The U.S. did not achieve its objective in the conflict. Other important issues of Trumans time in office were the  Red Scare, the passage of the 22nd Amendment  limiting a president to two terms,  the Taft-Hartley Act, Trumans Fair Deal, and an  assassination attempt  in 1950. Post Presidential Period Truman decided not to seek reelection in 1952. He retired to Independence, Missouri. He remained active in supporting Democratic candidates for the presidency. He died on December 26, 1972. Historical Significance It was President Truman who made the final decision to use the atomic bombs on Japan to speed up the end of the World War II. His use of the bomb was not only a way to stop what could have been a bloody fight on the mainland but also to send a message to the Soviet Union that the U.S. was not afraid to use the bomb if necessary. Truman was president during the beginnings of the Cold War and also during the Korean War.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Preschool Has Vetter Foreign Language Learners Essay

Preschool Has Vetter Foreign Language Learners - Essay Example Thid study highlights that language learning is stipulated as a natural process when children are at their tender age.   As such, children are more likely to learn a foreign language through other activities that are directly related to leaning such as playing and  Ã‚   exploration. In light of this, children growing in environments that are well rounded are more likely to speak approximately2000 basic words when they are at the age of four years. Nevertheless, adults who have attempted to learn a foreign language have experienced notable challenges especially in remembering or reciting foreign verbs.   This is purely so because adult memory is less capable of handling new languages. The first three years of human life could be termed as fundamental since the foundations of thinking language, vision, attitude among other necessities in human beings are eventually built. In reference to this, it is advisable that children are given the opportunity to utilize their natural abilit y to learn and get exposure of another language other than the first.As the research stresses  numerous studies have demonstrated a higher probability of learning a foreign language more easily at this age as opposed to other human developmental stages. Notably, the first few years of life constitute approximately 50 percent of the general development of human beings, while the rest of the development constitutes 30 percent.  Learning especially in children could be through sound, sight, taste, smell, touch and action.